The largest life insurance companies in direct claims


The largest life insurance companies in direct claims

The biggest extra security organizations in direct cases

The bill for direct cases to life coverage and raising money organizations expanded essentially in the 2019/2020 monetary year, arriving at 9.7 billion pounds, contrasted with roughly 8.4 billion pounds in the past financial year 2018/2019, with an expansion of more than 1.3 billion pounds, an increment of up to 16.2%.

The Misr Life Insurance Company - subsidiary to the public business area - beat the rundown of protection units that participate in this movement at the market level, in direct cases, with a worth contacting 3.4 billion pounds, addressing 34.7% of the area's complete cases.

The portion of the leftover 14 insurance agencies working in the existence action and subsidiary with the private area - with a variety of possession structures - came to 65.3% of the all out direct cases bill.

Companies engaged in the activity of life:

It is realized that the cash paid by property insurance agencies to customers in case of acknowledgment of dangers is called pay, while the cash paid by extra security organizations to customers in case of the expiry of the strategy time frame or the satisfaction of the states of inclusion is called cases or protection advantages or pay.

Then again, direct cases were conveyed in the life coverage and gathering pledges movement, in the monetary year 2018/2019, adding up to roughly 8.4 billion pounds, by 3.2 billion pounds to the public business area, contrasted with 5.2 billion pounds appropriated to insurance agencies partnered to the private area.

High stakes for companies:

The portion of the extra security and gathering pledges organization, regardless of whether working as indicated by the business or takaful framework, and subsidiary to the public business and private areas, expanded from direct cases, in the financial year 2019/2020, contrasted with its portion of direct cases in the past monetary year 2018/2019.

Then again, the portion of property and risk insurance agencies, in direct pay, in the protection market diminished during the financial year 2019/2020, contrasted with their portion in direct remuneration, during the past monetary year 2018/2019.

The accompanying graph shows the rundown of the main ten extra security organizations in direct cases, in the monetary year 2019/2020.

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